We celebrated the feast of Christ the King today in grand High Church style. It is our custom to have a Procession of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction after Solemn Mass. I sat in as second thurifer for the Procession by special request from the MC, and it was nice to be back up where I could smell the incense again. I've been sitting toward the back the past few weeks and now really have no sympathy for those who complain about the incense when there is plenty of space in the back where you will get barely a whiff. I almost had an overdose today, however, from my Processional blend. I guess I'm off my game when I can't open my eyes or sing because of too much smoke. But I've also been inhaling 105 years of West End door dust the past couple of weeks and that has been quite an experience. I'm helping strip all the varnish off the gorgeous old growth Oak doors and I felt today like I really needed to get some fresh air after 3 straight days of sanding then all the frankincense. The young sister torchbearers were coughing and their mother later said that was their last High Mass because it's too long, too late and too much smoke. Well, they are needed at the 9:00 so I hope they will help out there. I'll be glad to get back to my pew, since I can't help being an MC when I'm up there. I realized today how much I really need a sabbatical from all those details. I have enjoyed not being able to see what's going on, although I was unfortunate to sit right by the back speaker last week and got way too much information from the three sanctuary mikes. I turned them down after picking up some rather amusing flatulence during the censing of the altar. I guess if you're going to pass gas, that's the best time to do it, although it could be a fire hazard! At any rate, God was not totally glorified with that and other various mutterings and excessive chain rattlings. The previous rector would not allow mikes in the sanctuary for that reason. Then when he left the B&G chair immediately saw to it that we got two mikes on the altar and one behind the tabernacle lamp, so you have to be careful.
Fr. Harding gave a very interesting sermon which started out with a quote by EB White and then wandered through Stephen Hawking's imaginings about the End of Time. It was Fr. Harding's last Sunday with us for awhile, sadly, although it is a joyful thing that he and Mo Swain are expecting a child on Epiphany. We hope to see them back soon. Next Sunday our Interim Pastor, Fr. Rob Schwarz, takes charge so that should be a nice stabilizing factor. It's been a very long and bumpy two month transition and I think Fr. Rob is just what we need to bring us all back together again. Let us pray.
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