I guess it's time to let my inner witch out to play for a moment on this All Hallows Eve. And I know some of you are saying when was she ever not out, but I actually think she is pretty well under control most of the time. But this is my damned blog and I say things here I would not say to you face to face. I say them here so I don't have to make a scene. I'm sorry if you are offended by my observations but did I ask you to read this? If not, did someone else send it to you? Then they are just stirring the shit, pardon my French. My remarks do not in any way represent anyone other then me and I take full responsibility for whatever reaction they may invoke. Some times things just need to be said, and we Texans have a bad habit of not really caring what people think about us. Just please don't go crying to the wardens about me because they have better things to occupy their time right now. And so do I for that matter. I am going to take a very long break from sacristy work and I am so going to enjoy it. I need to get out of that show and see a little bit of the world beyond High Church. I want to go some place where I'm totally anonymous and just worship God without all this drama. I will be there most Saturdays, cleaning and trying to improve things here and there, but after the Profile gets finished I am planning to do alot of visiting, as I did during the last interim 10 years ago. It is a good time to get a fresh perspective and meet some new friends. Last time I spent 3 years at St. Mary's and that was a real growing experience in many good and also terrible ways, but this time I plan to stay uninvolved in any and all parishes I may attend. I do love all of you in my way, but right now you are driving me crazy. So let's not say
Au Revoir, let's just say
Vaya con Dios!
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