All Saints and All Souls

On All Saints Day I went to St. Mary the Virgin for Solemn Mass and 3 baptisms and a reaff, with Bp. Grein presiding. I hadn't been to SMV for several years and was glad to see it is still drawing a decent crowd for an impressive floorshow, although they no longer have processions for such occasions and the strange things they have done with the ceremony make me rather upset. Still it was a lovely service in many ways and the incense is beyond compare. I learned all I know from the incensemeister of SMV, but he didn't teach me his best secrets evidently. I have never attained quite that incredible bouquet that lingers for days. The large thuribles also help create the large clouds of fragrant smoke and the thurifer now goes down the center aisle censing the congo.
The reception afterward was not quite up to the standard of olden days but it was good to see several old friends there all the while ducking the rector successfully. I thought he had followed me into the ladies room as I slipped behind him to make a narrow escape and suddenly there was that unmistakable voice talking about church history as I settled into a stall, but it was just that he was talking to a young visitor while holding the door open.
The next evening I was at St. Ignatius for a sublime All Souls requiem and absolution at the catafalque accompanied by the Faure Requiem. Our choir had never sounded better and it was just a transcendent experience to hear the Faure in that setting. I was sitting toward the back in my new favorite pew and enjoyed very much not having to do one bit of work.
Sunday I was at St. Ignatius again for the Solemnity of All Saints which was also lovely. I can't believe I have been going there for more than 22 years and have never realized how wonderful the service is from the back of the church. At that distance it is an elegant liturgical dance, with just enough smoke to obscure the details. I also didn't quite realize how good the sound is from that pew, with a speaker right on the column. And the sunlight comes streaming in from the clerestory stained glass so wonderfully, although I realized how dirty the floors really are in that light. We have a new sexton starting this week so I am hoping we can get the place clean again.
I prayed for the Zabriskies and all our faithful departed as we sang my favorite hymn, St. Catherine's Court, at the ablutions.
These stones that have echoed their praises are holy
And dear is the ground where their feet have once trod
Yet here they confessed they were strangers and pilgrims
And still they were seeking the city of God.
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