Glory to God

Mo Barbara Crafton, also a member of our reunion group, presided and gave a wonderful homily. The St. Mark's choir and band was superb, especially on The Lord's Prayer, using my favorite rock setting. I had quite a time getting those "quick-lights" to start, and I held up the opening procession even as I was expecting Kathy to be her usual late self. She was miraculously on time leaving the rectory and Fr. DeNaro could be heard all over the church announcing "we're waiting for the thurifer". I finally got the coals going and by the consecration we even had a little smoke. There were several who strongly objected to having incense but I assured them they would hardly notice a little frankincense. And Janet only had to leave once, at the offertory when Fr. DeNaro piled it on. I had fun censing the congo in the round and that thurible is just the right size, with bells that are just the right degree of subtle. I left the boat full of frankincense so I hope they make use of it from time to time.
Kathy will miss St. Mark's quite a lot, I'm sure, as she begins a new life in Saskatoon. We will miss her also but somehow I suspect she and John will find a way to visit from time to time. We wish them well in their life together and Godspeed them back to us.

Image designed by Sr Claire Joy
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