Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful. And kindle in us the fire of your love. Send forth your spirit and we shall be created. And you shall renew the face of the earth.

The Feast of Pentecost was blessedly cool and partly cloudy after a monsoonal Friday and Saturday. I was rather worn out from some unaccustomed manual labor. I did a couple of hours of mopping on Friday night after a small flood from a backed-up rain gutter left the undercroft covered with an inch or so of water. God’s Favorite was opening at 8:00 pm and it took until right before curtain to get the place sopped up. Just when I think I’ve discovered every pitfall there is to find in that church, another problem area makes itself known. It’s just a small drain at the bottom of the stairwell but when covered with debris or whatever the water has nowhere to go but down into the undercroft. At least that floor got a good soaking and mopping and looks cleaner than it has in years.

On Saturday the sexton called in with a killing wisdom tooth so I had to do his job, at least the basics. I was hoping to start refinishing the archive cabinet I found last week but that was off. At least the sidewalks got naturally washed so the outside was easy.

On Sunday I was subdeacon and got the rare treat of wearing the red tunicle. I also wore the red humeral veil and a biretta, so I was very glad it was not too warm. I got to administer the second chalice since there was no other priest present. Fr. Gentile was home with a broken door so Fr. Bodie filled in as deacon. The rector celebrated and preached a very compelling sermon about the Holy Spirit.

Afterward I made a hasty exit with Rob, SrT and Gil to catch a train up to All Saints Briarcliff Manor for the Ultreya for Cursillo #84. It was a lovely afternoon out on their lawn with good food, fellowship, excellent witness and group reunion. We ended up with Evening Prayer inside in their lovely stone and wood church which is very tastefully done except for the electric sanctuary light. We left from the scenic Scarborough station and then had dinner at the classic old TGIF by Grand Central.

Yesterday of course was 6-6-06 so I spent a few hours at work scanning some more of Zabriskie's photos of St. Ignatius altars and praying that the apocalypse would wait awhile longer. Last night I had a visitation from a very large cucaracha which the cats cornered but would not kill, so I had to summon up my feeble Terminator skills and kill it with a mop, imagining it was the antichrist. Damien, look out!

We give you thanks, almighty God, for all the benefits you have given us. You who live and reign forever and ever, amen.


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